Physics and Astronomy Online

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ScienceIQ Facts

Physics & Astronomy Facts

Sound is just a sensation created in the human brain in response to small pressure fluctuations in the air.
The Doppler Effect

As any object moves through the air, the air near the object is disturbed. The disturbances are transmitted through the air at a distinct speed called the speed of sound, because sound itself is just ...
Northern Lights
Does Earth Have Its Own Neon Sign?

You might wonder what the Northern Lights and neon signs have in common. Actually, a lot! What makes luminous colors shimmer across the Northern sky? The answer is in the Sun. Charged particles ar ...
Beta Decay
Neutrinos to the Rescue

Have you ever wondered what the most abundant particle in the universe is after photons of light? The answer is: Neutrinos. These tiny, neutral and almost mass-less particles that move at almost the ...

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